How AI can make your website better

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is incredibly powerful and can be utilized in some amazing ways! While the full potential of these AIs have yet to be reached, we are at a pretty special point in time for their development. So, knowing that, let’s take a look at how we can use AI to make your website better in as many different aspects as possible!

Fun fact, a lot of the topics we’ve come up with below were actually proposed initially using AI!

Rendering of Robots to represent AI

Automated Design Generation

AI algorithms can generate design layouts, color schemes, and typography options based on user preferences or existing website examples. This helps designers quickly explore various design possibilities. There are already lots of AI powered design tools that can create or optimize designs within just a few minutes.

Uizard is one of these tools. It can do things like taking a screenshot of an existing app, or even a sketch of an idea you had for a page layout, and turn them into an editable design. It also has the ability to help you wireframe landing pages from scratch, making it super easy to create new pages that are designed with UX in mind. They’ve also created a library of pre-designed templates that you can use as jumping-off points.

On a different front, tools like FontJoy can help immensely with typography. FontJoy uses deep learning algorithms to help choose font pairings for headings, subheadings, and body text. You can give it a font as an option and “lock” that one in, or just generate new combinations until you find one you like. I use this tool to create font combinations based off of the fonts used in a client’s logo.

Responsive Design Optimization

AI can analyze user behavior and screen sizes to automatically optimize the layout and content presentation for different devices, ensuring a seamless and responsive user experience. It might seem like there’s always an obvious way to take a design made for desktop and shrink it down to a mobile screen – just take all of the columns and stack them on top of each other, right? But depending on the design, it can get a lot more complex than that. Gilad David Maayan actually wrote a great article specifically on AI and responsive design that goes over a lot of the finer points in this regard.

One of the things he talks about is usability testing, and how using AI we can now perform this tests at a much larger scale than ever before, and then process that data to create “actionable insights into user behavior.” Essentially, AI can look at a web page, and give suggestions on how to improve the user experience, including when it comes to mobile devices.

Content Generation and Personalization

AI-powered tools can create personalized content, such as product descriptions, blog posts, or recommendations, based on user data and preferences. This allows for dynamic and tailored website experiences.

We use AI regularly for content creation. From coming up with blog post ideas to creating and writing content, this is one of the easiest applications for business owners to take advantage of. In fact, this blog post was coined and outlined using ChatGPT. It gave us all of our subheadings that we used as jumping off points to write the rest of the article!

ChatGPT's logo

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

AI-driven chatbots can provide instant customer support, answer FAQs, and assist visitors in real-time. They can handle basic inquiries and help with tasks like booking appointments or making purchases. Some of the most popular ones out there so far are Bing ChatGPT, ChatGPT, and Jasper. These chatbots allow you to create a much more personalized experience for your users, and allow them to have their questions answered much faster and easier than ever before.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

AI algorithms can analyze search engine ranking factors, identify trends, and recommend optimizations to improve a website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). RankMath’s Content AI feature, for example, analyzes a web page and can make recommendations to your content based on that top ranking pages for the keyword you’re targeting.

You can even use AI to create a list of potential keywords during your keyword research. As with the rest of these ideas though, you should always use any suggestions as a base point rather than allowing the algorithm to create the entirety of your content from scratch.

Image and Video Processing

Techniques like computer vision and deep learning enable automatic tagging, captioning, and object recognition in images and videos. This helps enhance the visual content of websites and improves accessibility. Our accessibility partner AccessiBe has an AI-powered script that can scan images on your website and automatically add alt text to images that are missing it. While it’s not as good as writing it yourself, it can help you fill the gaps that you may have missed.

There are also tools available to generate completely new images from nothing. The most popular tool is DALL-E 2, which is created by OpenAI and has the ability to create images from scratch based entirely on a prompt. It’s pretty incredible!

User Experience (UX) Optimization

Creating an ideal user experience for your website can be difficult. Not everybody uses a website the same way, so coming up with a design and layout for your pages that works great for everyone can be difficult.

AI can analyze user interactions, heatmaps, and user feedback to identify areas for improvement in the website’s UX. It can suggest layout modifications, navigation enhancements, and personalized recommendations to enhance user engagement.

Cybersecurity and Fraud Detection

AI-powered algorithms can analyze website traffic patterns, detect suspicious activities, and identify potential security threats. This helps protect websites and user data from unauthorized access or attacks.

Data Analytics and Insights

Google analytics are great, but knowing what to do with all of that data can be a challenge, even for experienced marketers. AI algorithms can process large amounts of website data, such as user behavior, conversion rates, and click-through rates, to provide valuable insights. This data-driven approach helps make informed decisions about website design, content, and marketing strategies.

The insights generated by these tools can be invaluable in creating action steps for improving for overall conversions and generating more sales with your website.

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